Monday, July 10, 2006

Work Stuff

I recently saw an ad for a job that I would really like to get (or at least I suppose I would...there is every possibility that the actual reality of the job is not at all like I have imagined it.)

It is a job I am most definitely qualified for and I think I would have a fair chance at getting if I tried. There's just one problem. It pays $10K less than I currently earn. OUCH!

Money isn't everything, I tell myself. This is a job where I could make a difference, a job I could take pride in, a job where more of my natural talents could shine. Also, it would put me back in the town where I used to work (Walla Walla), ending my exile to the land of Roundup cowboys. It would put me back where I would have access to spending more time with some friends I now seldom see.

For a lot of reasons, I am SOOOO tempted to apply for this job.

But...that would be a huge pay cut. What sacrifices would I have to make? Would it be worth it? I don't need to live large, but I also don't want to be scrambling for every dime. How much is enough?

My rational mind and my emotions are at war over this one. I can eloquently argue for both going for it or making my peace where I am currently employed.

What I have now is not a bad job. Granted, there are things about it that grate on my nerves, but wouldn't that be true in any job? At what point does it make sense to hold on to a less than gratifying job for the sake of the money and at what point to I go for broke and follow my heart?

No simple mind shifts and turns over this choice, giving me a kaleidoscope of different perceptions.

I think - APPLY - find out more, and then you can decide later if you want to take it or not.

But I also think NO - settle down. You still have things to learn and things to contribute where you are now. Another opportunity will come up later if you are patient that WILL let you use your talents. Trust that. But taking this would mean taking three steps back from all you have worked to achieve.

If I were to get this job I am quite certain there would be things I liked and things I didn't. I would not have so much LESS angst about my work, I would simply have DIFFERENT angst. Is that worth giving up the dollars that give me the current degree of freedom and independence to travel or help others or get stuff I enjoy?

AAGH!!! There is no clear right or wrong here, just open possibility. I probably won't go for it. But I will keep wondering if I should have. I can't help but imagine how things would be different if I DID take this path. Where would it ultimately lead?


Guh said...

for what it is worth... i say go for it- that way you won't have regrets about just FINDING OUT if you'll get it,BUT- i think plan on sticking with your current. You're right... frustrations will come no matter what job you have- and the new job would add another big one to follow you home (money). It seems i'm always hearing about people searching for "greener pastures" quitting a job that has been plenty nice to them... takes another... they're on the bottom of the totempole- and when the company needs to "cut back" they're the first to go... i say stay where you're secure... then if the unfortunate happens... THEN you can search for the "greener pastures"... if it's not broken don't fix it!

Millie said...

Walla Walla, eh... all roads lead to WW in my family (half of them are buried in the cemetery there). And the roundup place - you and my mom must live in the same town. :)

Good luck with your decision, neighbor. Thanks for the nice visit today.

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