Showing posts with label intention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intention. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Power of Intention

This just in from The Bleeping Harold, an article titled "The Thought Heard Round the World" by Lynn McTaggart who details a report on "the first-ever, long-distance double-blind group intention experiment in history which occurred March 10-11, 2007. Participants included 400 attendees of the first Intention Experiment Conference in London and consciousness researcher Dr. Gary Schwartz and his team at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona in Tucson."

Five experiments were run, " one with German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp and his colleague Dutch psychologist Eduard Van Wijk at the International Institute of Biophysics, and four with psychologist Dr. Gary Schwartz and his team at the University of Arizona’s Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness Research."

The scientist in me has some questions about some of the methodolgy. But the spiritual part of me trusts that there is power in intenton.

Dr. Rachna Jain over at MaximalHappiness writes of the importance of aligning our actions with our intention. Listing a four step process, Jain challenges readers to invite the universe to help them realize their desires through focused intention.

Joan Borysenko, author of "Inner Peace For Busy People" wrote an article for Prevention magazine that morphs the idea of focused intention with setting and accomplishing key goals.

We've all heard it said that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Why is it that so often our behavior does NOT match our true intention?

In conflicts with others, so often we tend to judge others on their behavior and ourselves on our intent - we say something that wounds but refute the damage to their soul with "but that's not what I meant!" But when WE get hurt we insist "But YOU SAID...."

Years ago I wrote a research paper on the Insanity Defense in which I included the quote "even a dog can tell the difference between being tripped over and being kicked." Yet sometimes I do wonder about the value of intentions that are not acted on.

So I've been giving some thought to my relationship with a few different people in my life. I'm examining a bit closer what my INTENT truly is for them and how close or how far my BEHAVIOR reflects that. I am also looking at the direction my own life is going, seeing which areas are ruled my mindfulness and which operate on default. Deliberate unleashing of focused intent is powerful stuff, in my book. But when it is double harnessed with action, that's when the true magic happens.

What are your intentions?

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