Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm Rich!!!

This morning I was reading the latest posting over at Pondering Pig. All the poking fun about an investment scheme to purchase James Dean's trousers has been a delight! Still, it caused me to do some serious thinking on the whole western view of "I want to be rich!" I am often troubled by the things people are willing to do, willing to compromise, willing to sacrifice in order to chase that dream.

Sadly, I've seen people destroy their relationships, their health and so much more in their frantic quest to "be successful" in worldly terms. I've known a few soul weary folks who managed to amass great wealth and recognized only too late they missed the boat in areas that were truly important.

I am not someone who eschews abundance. I do not think there is anything immoral about having a comfortable life. It is quite possible to have wealth and to stay connected to people, to planet, to spirit, to all that is good. Unfortunately, those that manage to pull this off seem to be more the exception than the rule.

In my mind, being "successful" is NOT so much about how many shiny things someone has...but how he or she VIEWS whatever they do have. It's about the relationship between the indivudal and how they fit with others and with the material world. I've seen rich people be miserably dissatisfied because there was always someone else with bigger yaht or better sports car. I've seen people in poverty share the only food they had with someone who had less. I've also seen people with plenty humbly accept that blessing and be willing to share it, while some people out on the fringe have turned bitter and stingy because they resented always being among the "have nots". There is no nobelness in poverty nor crime in wealth. In my mind, there is simply a great need for ALL of us, no matter where we fit on the economic spectrum, to be less greedy, more grateful, more willing to share.

As for me, I am rich. I certainly do not mean that in the piles of shiny things and money in the bank version. But in every way that counts to me, I am blessed far beyond what I ever expected or felt I deserved.

I have a comfortable home. It's not fancy. But its quite cozy and pleasant, and above all is a place where I feel safe and loved. It is my sanctuary from the storms of the world. To me, that's better than a palace.

I am strong and healthy. I have the usual assortment of bumps and strains that come from being closer to 50 than to 40. But my bladder, lungs and other organs all seem to be working cooperatively. I am able to hike and dance and work and play in a body that serves me well. For that I am truly grateful.

I am madly, passionately, crazy in love with a human being who has all the right stuff: integrity, kindness, humor and who happens to love me back. We have just the right balance of intimacy and autonomy between us. We have a delicious blending of me-you-us that brings us both joy. That is a treasure indeed.

I am engaged in meaningful work that I am proud of, that I'm good at, and that I can see is making a modest difference for good.

So yeah, I'd say I am rich. I have my share of problems and areas that I wish were different. There are things I cannot afford that I wish that I had. But in all the ways that matter, I'd say I am very rich. It shames me to see that I have not been nearly as mindful of or grateful for these blessings as I rightly should have been.

So while it is true I cannot afford to buy James Dean's pants, and I live on a budget that some might consider restrictive, I see that all my needs and a great many of my wants are well met.

I appreciate the Ponderer for helping me take time to notice that, to appreciate it, and to acknowlege my gratitude to my creator.

I will still wonder all sorts of things.... like how can I morally own eight pairs of shoes when I know there are people with no shoes?

What is my responsibility as a sojourner on this planet for how much resources I use up? Spoke's footprint post definitely caused some rumination in that direction.

WHICH fancy things do I justify having for my creature comforts and which do I turn away from as excessive, extravagant over consumption?

What is my relationship to material things?

All worthy things to sort out, I believe. But for today, I will simply revel in the knowledge that in all the ways that count...I truly am rich.

1 comment:

Spoke said...

To be honest ( I don't know why I say that...I AM honest) I struggle with this issue. We live in a trailer that is 29 years old. Too many band aids to count. We don't eat cavier nor do we have new vehicles. My old truck is an 88 and our car is a 98 ( that IS new in my mind). Our clothing is modest and usually from thrift stores.
I have a friend that talks incessantly of money troubles. Still, she hops around the globe on holidays and has a different outfit every time I see her. (the lamenting must be a form of justification??). I'm afraid I'm beginning to avoid her. ( yup, we've chatted about it)
So when I see those around me that are "better off" I find an anger welling up. I pray it is NOT from envy, rather concern for our planet and single mums with hungry children...share the wealth!
Certainly an area in my own life that I must often revisit and pray about.

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