"I'll play it first and tell you what it is afterwards."
-- Miles Davis
Monday, May 31, 2010
Face in my Yard
Kudos to pal Jaquandor for sharing THIS LINK to cool photos and info about the Easter Island statues. I've long been facinated by these mysterious faces, even more so now that I have this face appearing in my new back yard.
Not sure what to call it... suggestions?
Now that's and interesting piece to have in one's yard.
"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world." --- Joel Barker: Power of Vision
Now that's and interesting piece to have in one's yard.
Does remind you of the Easter Island figures.
Good luck on selecting a name.
Enjoyed your recemt pictures of Utah and Idaho.
That reminds me of the forest spirits in the movie "Princess Mononoke":
Cute little guys!
It looks like he may have been caught doing something he shouldn't.
I know . . ."The Missing Link"
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